Monday, February 6, 2012

What is the place of worship? What are the major features of this place?

Muslims worship in a mosque.

Earlier Arab-plan mosques have square or rectangular plans with an enclosed courtyard and covered prayer hall. The courtyard, in warm Middle Easter and Mediterranean climate, served to accommodate the large number of worshipers during Friday prayers. Most had flat roofs on the prayer halls, which required the use of numerous columns and supports. The simplicity limited the opportunities for further development and they lost popularity.

Persians started incorporating elements from earlier palace designs into their mosques. Islamic architecture began to witness the introduction of dome and huge large, arched entrances. Many had towering gateways at every side. They typically were square shaped with a central courtyard.

Mosques in Southeast Asia usually are different than the ones found throughout the Greater Middle East. Mosques in Europe and North American are even different yet. They have various styles, usually with Western architectural designs. In Africa, most mosques are old, but new ones are built as well.

Mosques are usually decorated with patterns, photos, paintings, and Scripture from the Koran. Sometimes there is decorative carpet as well. However, there are never any portraits of anyone or paintings of animals. They believe that this may cause them to worship the paintings instead of God. For the same reason, no statues or idols are present.

Mosque information

[at left: Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem ]

[at left: map of Sultan Hasan Mosque in Cario]

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